No Animals Were Harmed in the Making of These Clothes!
I have finally gotten done with the majority of my Mother's new wardrobe! Only a couple more to go!
This a pretty neat piece. It is a Wrap/Shirt. I made it with a semi-sheer material which makes it difficult to hem.Here is an example of one of the many ways you can wear this shirt. It is wrapped to the back and thrown over the shoulder from the other side. Very cute and can be worn lots of different ways!!
This next piece is similar to one of the jackets from my last post. There are two major differences. The one I posted last week has a 1/2 sleeve with a rounded front, This one has 3/4 bubble sleeves and a squared front. is not animal print :)
I really like this jacket because it can be made in so many different combinations. There are three sleeve lengths and either the rounded front or the square front. I look forward to making a few more of them. This shirt was actually meant to be the wrap from above, however when I was cutting the material I messed I tried cutting it again...and well, it just was not meant to be. I took what I could from the material and came up with this shirt. This was the first time I have made just a regular everyday shirt. It really turned out nice and I decided I needed to make myself a few of them. I like the band around the neck and the pleats in the front. It gives it just enough umph to not be considered a T-Shirt...but be just dressy or casual enough for anything.
Every once in a while my daughter just can not understand why nothing has been made for her when I have done so much sewing in a week. So on Tuesday afternoon before Bible study I whipped her up a pillowcase dress. They are very easy to make and simply adorable on. I made this one quite big because she is growing like a little weed. So here was her Tuesday dress.
Well, I still have a couple Jackets I am working on for my mom, but in a few weeks I will be starting my Bridesmaids dresses. So until then I am going to try to get my husband and son's matching shirts done, and my daughters new pajamas as well.
Thanks for stopping by!!